If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
— Wayne Dyer


You have made it to the Resources page! This section is to help you explore and deepen your work outside of sessions. In no particular order, here is a collection of tools, articles, podcasts, and practices that I have found helpful and I hope you will as well.

Do you have something to add? A sudden inspiration? A breakthrough? Why not knock out a message right now? Email me!


Dr. Nagoski giving some unconventional advice on why we tend to get caught in stress; we’re not moving through the stress cycle.

For ideas on how to get unstuck and through the cycle, check out her TED Talk.

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TLDR: Does meditation really make you kinder? Evidence points to yes. Even if it isn’t loving-kindness meditation!

From NPR’s The Hidden Brain - The Lonely American Man


The S-word podcast with Rod Moshtaghi

The mind, the brain, the mental universe… All in the Mind by ABC RN

Where Should We Begin? Have a fascinating listen inside the couples therapy practice of Esther Perel.

Yoga For Self Respect is an opportunity for you to dial inward, connect and do something nice for your whole self. Find length in the spine, depth of breath and remember - you are worth it. We are at our best and can be of service to others when we are in alignment with who we truly are.

Emotions can be complex, spurious, wily things to nail down…especially in the moment. And sometimes, they even travel in packs- feelings, emotions, sentiments, oh my! Never to fear, identifying emotions is the first step to taming them.

Emotions can be complex, spurious, wily things to nail down…especially in the moment. And sometimes, they even travel in packs- feelings, emotions, sentiments, oh my! Never to fear, identifying emotions is the first step to taming them.


I love this podcast. This particular episode is on Communication: Alan Alda Wants Us To Have Better Conversations from NPR’s The Hidden Brain


Dr. Bessel van der Kolk interviewed by Krista Tippet on this episode of On Being. He is one of the most respected scholars on trauma, particularly chronic, interpersonal trauma.

Because that inner critic can be very pesky, here’s five solid methods to turn the volume down on harmful self talk.


TED Radio Hour on the benefits of slowing down via NPR One

Hop on the mat for a 25 minute Head & Heart Yoga Reset! By taking time out of your day to practice self love, you are providing yourself the opportunity to raise your awareness levels and remain in a positive loving state. This allows you to feel good, run at optimal functioning AND transmit love toward others.