Sometimes the bravest and most important thing you can do is just show up.
— Brené Brown

Individual and couples Therapy

Working on important relationships, be it together or apart, is an incredibly rewarding journey. We’ll start where you are and what brought you to this point, including what’s been tried so far. Then, we will look more closely for default (often unconscious) choices that create patterns of ineffective dynamics and responses. We will also examine what is working in your relationship and see how we can draw on your strengths to create the change you would like to see. 

In individual therapy, we have the time and space to hone in on specific issues to you, examining more closely aspects of your life that aren’t functioning as you’d hoped. Often this involves relational aspects, but it may be more strongly influenced by intrapersonal dynamics; what’s happening within the complex, multifaceted, layered organism that is you. This will involve looking at all kinds of habits: behavioral, mental, interpersonal. Enter: the power of choice.

When you feel empowered and free to create the life you want for yourself, what else can stop you from growing? Let’s chat about how to get started!


• Mental health expertise
• Relationship expertise
• An open mind
• A curious attitude
• Respect for your autonomy


• A growth mindset
• An open mind
• A curious attitude
• Motivation to work on yourself and relationship between our sessions and use our time to troubleshoot